Flinders Range Wattle
Common name
Flinders Range Wattle
Scientific Name
Acacia iteaphylla
Type of plant
Tree And Shrub Weeds
About this weed
The Flinders Range Wattle was a popular garden plant grown for its silvery blue/grey leaves and yellow flowers. The shrub grows to about 5 m in height and was originally from South Australia (Flinders Range). Fire will stimulate a mass germination of seeds but generally kills adult plants.
This showy garden shrub grows to 5 m high and is easily identified by its silvery blue-green leaves. The flower-heads are globular with lemon-yellow small sprays from the leaf axils.
Impact on Bushland
It is becoming a problem as it spreads to the Jarrah woodlands and other bushland in the South-West Province. Fire stimulates mass germination of seed and generally kills adult plants.
It can be found on yellow, grey and white sand in areas of the South-West Province.
Priority for removal
High: a major threat to conservation values anywhere it has taken hold.
Management (hand)
Hand pull seedlings. Fell mature plants. Optimal time to hand weed is March to July.
Management (herbicide)
If using herbicides read the manufacturers’ labels and material safety data sheets before spraying.
Flowering month/s
March, April, May, June, July, August, September
Flower colour/s
Information source
Additional information
Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. and Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia, Second Edition, The Weeds Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park, Western Australia.