City of South Perth Environment Association

Our Aims

To ensure that no more of the natural environment is lost or damaged within the City of South Perth and that which still exists is retained and its condition improved where appropriate.

Our Objectives

  1. Ensure that the public is consulted over management of natural areas.
  2. Ensure that all natural areas have a management plan.
  3. Ensure that all natural areas are well managed so that, where necessary, their quality is improved and certainly not have their resilience capacity reduced.
  4. Encourage city planners to enforce a high minimum sustainability rating to new property developments.
  5. Encourage the city to be mindful of fossil fuel burning and use alternatives where possible.
  6. Encourage the city to encourage its citizens to recycle to the maximum.
  7. Encourage the city to create policies and regulations to ensure retention of native trees on private property and on public lands and, where applicable, plant young plants to ensure good mature tree coverage over time.
  8. Encourage the city to plant feed trees for endangered cockatoos and any other endangered birds and encourage its citizens to do the same on private property.
  9. Encourage the city to make verge gardens an easy option for owners of private property.
  10. Encourage the city to minimise its water use, especially on grassed areas.
  11. Strongly discourage private owners to install synthetic grass on their verges.
  12. Encourage the city to make sustainable or public transport a good alternative to vehicular transport.


Warwick Boardman. 0452 563 398.

City of South Perth Environment Association Location


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)