Biodiversity and macrofauna

The Urban Bushland Council WA invites you to a presentation by David Knowles of Spineless Wonders on the topic of “putting insects to work in your bushland”

Putting insects to work in your bushland

macrofaunaCome listen to David Knowles from Spineless Wonders

David Knowles has extensive hands on knowledge of and passion for our macrofauna. He can therefore provide insights into how to encourage a biodiversity of helper bugs in your bushland. Then this knowledge will empower you to speak up when governments and residents insist on doing the opposite! Fire, lights and weeds have a devastating effect on our small helpers.

Some in the northern suburbs may have noticed the extensive burning occurring in the Moore River drainage.  And why is this a problem for our macrofauna? A significant proportion of insect biodiversity is mature and seeking mates in springtime. DFES could not have targeted a better time to kill as many of our pollinators and leaf litter recyclers as possible!

David suspects that over the spring burning season multi millions, if not trillions, of breeding animals die as a result. How do we change this extinction culture?

Come along on Thursday 15 October for a very interesting talk! You can book your free ticket here.

Join us for refreshments at 6:00 pm with the talk starting at 6:30 pm.

For those who cannot make it into City West, we will be able to make this talk available online. Please email [email protected] for further information

And from previous talks

UBC delivers at least 4 events each year on subjects we think that members and supporters will find interesting and valuable. We are now collecting these up and making them available from our website.

Burning our Bushland – talk by Professor Kingsley Dixon

Will our biodiversity survive prescribed burning?

Professor Kingsley Dixon spoke to UBC members and supporters in July 2020 about the impact of prescribed burning on biodiversity.  In the talk he showed us the evidence as presented in a recent review paper. (Bradshaw et alfind the paper here).

His talk was recorded, so you can view the video here or else download the presentation here .

Help protect our urban bushland quenda – talk by Dr Geoff Barrett

Then for our first post-COVID lockdown event (June 2020), we had Geoff Barrett talk to members and supporters about protecting quenda in urban bushland.

Can we do more to save wildlife in our suburban bushland? Can we reduce the risks from fire, feral animals, and urbanisation?

You can find his presentation here. The recording will be uploaded soon.

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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)