- This event has passed.
Tuesday 18 February from 18:00 to 19:00

From Bushlands to the Ballots: Talking with candidates where and when it counts
The recording, presentation and useful resources from our webinar are now available online.
Go to our YouTube channel for the recording.
You can find the presentation here; and the Nature Election Asks flyer, Save the Black Cockatoo flyer, Nature Priorities Scorecard at this link
The 2025 WA State Election is imminent. Candidate nominations closed on 13 February and now it possible to get the full list of candidates for each electorate. It is vital that these candidates know that protection of the environment is important to our communities and that it deserves a greater priority than it has received from the current government.
How you can help
UBC encourages you to invite your local candidates to your patch; explain why you are passionate about it and how they can help secure the future of your patch as well as nature more broadly. Our black cockatoos, our urban bushlands and wetlands all need more protection to survive. We have worked closely with CCWA to develop a number of nature specific election priorities, and we want to share them with you and ask you to help spread the word.
Event details
Thank you to everyone who registered for this event on Tuesday 18 February. We learnt how you can influence candidates in our State election to recognise that our natural environment needs to have a greater priority in their campaigns and after the election. We stepped you through finding the candidates for your electorate and briefed you on 7 Nature related priorities we have identified. We have also created a scorecard that you can use to frame your questioning of candidates.
Useful Resources
We will have flyers, yard signs and a scorecard template available. They will be available as printed materials from CCWA or online. You can also download the report A Protection Agenda for Nature.