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Building community capacity
Tuesday 29 November from 18:00 to 20:00
Project Update
Hear about our new approach to capacity building for Friends groups, our trials and tribulations and our successes. Find out where are we now, what’s coming up and how this project can benefit all our groups. And come along and meet Johanna Riddell, our project officer.
The Project
Friends groups that are active, viable and influential are better able to advocate for and protect their bushland. Through this project UBC will help establish new Friends groups for bushland sites where there is no Friends group; work with some Friends groups encountering problems with volunteer recruitment and help groups be more successful through capacity building workshops. What we learn during this process will become a volunteer recruitment and retention plan for our members and beyond.
We are working with Friends of Wireless Hill, Friends of Star Swamp Bushland, Friends of Trigg Bushland, Friends of Lake Gwelup and Friends of Erindale Road Bushland as well as initiating a friends group for Cottonwood Bushland in Dianella.
General Meeting
Our presentation will be preceded by a short General Meeting of the Urban Bushland Council, commencing at 6:30 pm. Member Groups will be asked to vote on proposed changes to the Rules (or constitution). You can find the Agenda and proposed Rule changes here. Member Groups are invited to appoint a proxy if they are unable to attend the meeting. The PROXY form is here and should be handed to the Secretary prior to the meeting commencing or via email by COB Monday 28 November.
Join Us
Join us in the Conference Room at City West Lotteries House from 6:00 pm for refreshments. Please let us know that you are coming along. You can either RSVP at the bottom of this page (keep scrolling) or else email [email protected]. You may also wish to join us online – email [email protected] to request a Zoom link.
Photo credits: Margaret Matthews (Friends of Wireless Hill) and Christine Curry (Friends of Star Swamp Bushland)
This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program