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Walk Woodvale Waters, Beenyup Channel

Woodvale Streeton Promenade, Olsen Court, Woodvale

Come and share the joys and vision of a restored Perth treasure. We will be exploring Woodvale Waters and the Beenyup Channel in the Yellagonga Regional Park which feed into […]


Position Vacant Executive Officer

Executive Officer position -  Be a Voice for the Bush  UBC calls for applications for a part-time, fixed term Executive Officer to help strengthen our operations as a peak environmental […]

Linking spaces to save species

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth

Loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat are recognised as one of 6 main threats to our biodiversity. So linking spaces saves species.  Come along and find out about what's new […]



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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)