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Walk Woodvale Waters, Beenyup Channel

Woodvale Streeton Promenade, Olsen Court, Woodvale

Come and share the joys and vision of a restored Perth treasure. We will be exploring Woodvale Waters and the Beenyup Channel in the Yellagonga Regional Park which feed into the Southern end of Lake Joondalup! Woodvale Waters and the Beenyup Channel The wetland system here was a really important place for the Whadjuk Mooro […]


Position Vacant Executive Officer

Executive Officer position -  Be a Voice for the Bush  UBC calls for applications for a part-time, fixed term Executive Officer to help strengthen our operations as a peak environmental group.  You can then help us build financial resilience, extend our skills in submission writing, enhance our engagement with the community, and build stronger external […]

Linking spaces to save species

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth

Loss, fragmentation and degradation of habitat are recognised as one of 6 main threats to our biodiversity. So linking spaces saves species.  Come along and find out about what's new with NatureLink Perth. The team at NatureLink Perth have carried out huge amounts of work researching the most cost effect ecological linkages to save species […]



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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)