Cambridge Coastcare

Cambridge Coastcare began in March 1999 with its incorporation and with the formation of a committee of management. The idea came from the Town of Cambridge in 1998 when they expressed an interest in establishing a Coastcare organization to assist with the managing, monitoring and protection of the environment and recreational values of the coastline in the Town. Since we have been incorporated we have managed to acquire around $388,000 in grant monies from various sources. The Group has some 65 members including some 20 family memberships.

Our Objectives

The objectives of Cambridge Coastcare are to:-

Promote ecologically sensitive and sustainable use of the coastal zone within the Town of Cambridge in association with the Council.

Promote an awareness of the need to conserve and protect the natural resources and promote natural ecological processes of the coastal zone within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge and adjoining areas.

Contribute to the development of policies which promote ecologically sustainable land use in the coastal zone within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge and adjoining areas.

Undertake coast rehabilitation projects within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge and adjoining areas.

Develop action plans for the care and management of the coastal zone within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge and adjoining areas.

Obtain financial support for activities which will promote and ensure the conservation, sustainable use and ecological processes of the coastal zone within the municipality of the Town of Cambridge and adjoining areas.

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Cambridge Coastcare Location


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