Friends of Coolbinia Bushland



BuslandLogo FullColour JPG 1Coolbinia Bushland is a biodiverse remnant Jarrah and Banksia woodland on a limestone ridge among the inner northern suburbs of Perth, only 6kms from the CBD.  It is home to around 100 different species of native plants, and many different birds and animals.

To keep the bushland safe and preserve this precious piece of nature for the future, there needs to be a strong Friends group involving all sorts of different people from our community.  You can be part of it!

Get in Touch

Interested in knowing more about this tiny but glorious bushland nestled in the inner northern suburb of Coolbinia, Western Australia?

Weeding Sessions

Volunteers are always needed and very welcome.

A mere hour of your time makes such a difference.

We start every Saturday at 9.00 am in Winter to weed, 8.00 am in Summer to water.

Meet at the Coolbinia Primary School carpark off Bradford Street.

Gloves, tools and weed bags are provided, please bring your own water, sunscreen and hat, or raincoat. We do recommend wearing a long-sleeved shirt, trousers and closed-in shoes. No toilet facilities are available.

Good reasons to get to know Coolbinia Bushland

  • Spending time in a bushland in the city can be joyful, calming and restorative just like a bush holiday, but without the travel time.  You can visit whenever you like, as part of your normal routine. It’s cheerful and therapeutic!
  • Local bushland needs local people to care about it so we can keep it safe as habitat for our natural world buddies, for our enjoyment right now, and for future generations.  If we don’t take action to care for it, it will be lost.
  • As well as providing clean air and cooling for our city, urban wilderness plays an important part in our health, enriching our bodies, brains and hearts through our senses.  Come and feel it for yourself!
  • Understanding more about local places like Coolbinia Bushland connects us to our home, grounds us in a deeper understanding of the place we live and helps us to feel we belong here.
  • In these uncertain times, it makes sense to focus our energy close to home, where we can have a real impact and enjoy the tangible benefits of knowing and looking after local places.


  1. A useful instruction sheet for hand weeding Veldt grass has been prepared.  Download.
  2. A Native plant species list of Coolbinia Bushland is available. Download.
  3. Get the heads-up early on our Occupational Health & Safety tip sheet. read here. Download.
  4. Common weeds of Coolbinia Bushland.  Download.

We are continuing to build a resource library for our work. If you can help with this, please get in touch.

Friends of Coolbinia Bushland Location

Friends of Coolbinia Bushland Gallery


Donations and support from the wider community help us to protect and campaign for our Urban Bushland.

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We are a peak environmental group in WA. One of our key strengths is our amazing group and individual members.

Become member

Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)