Friends of Jirdarup Bushland Inc.


Friends of Jirdarup Bushland

Friends of Jirdarup Bushland Colour JPG HRFriends of Jirdarup Bushland Inc. is a community group dedicated to the protection, preservation and promotion of the Jirdarup Bushland Precinct in East Victoria Park. Our group was established in 1999 as the Friends of Kensington Bushland to care and advocate for the protection of the Kensington Bushland Reserve.

We do this through:

  • Community education
  • Landcare
  • Advocacy

To learn more about the bushland and what we do visit our website.


Contact Lesley at  [email protected]

Friends of Jirdarup Bushland Inc. Location


Donations and support from the wider community help us to protect and campaign for our Urban Bushland.

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We are a peak environmental group in WA. One of our key strengths is our amazing group and individual members.

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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)