Manning Park Conservation Society


1. Research and collate information about the natural and indigenous (and other cultural and
historical) conservation values of Manning Park (Bush Forever Area 247) and the potential
direct, indirect and cumulative threats and impacts to these values. Where relevant, extend
this research to other adjacent or nearby bush, wetlands or other relevant areas (such as
water catchments, ecological corridors, native fauna/flora habitat and ecosystem service
resources) in the City of Cockburn and City of Fremantle.
2. Develop databases, educational materials, management plans, submissions, programs and
activities to inform and guide the local community, general public, NGOs and relevant
government authorities about these conservation values and how to avoid, mitigate and
manage threats.
3. Promote the protection, conservation and sustainable/adaptive management and best
practice ecological restoration of Manning Park (and other relevant areas, as above).
4. Work towards additional statutory protection and improved, evidence-based decision
making with regard to Manning Park (and other relevant areas, as above).
5. Carry out hands–on, voluntary revegetation and ecological restoration work in Manning
Park (in collaboration with traditional owners, the community, NGOs, university and other
experts, citizen scientists and relevant government authorities).
6. Evaluate and report upon the effectiveness of voluntary revegetation and ecological
restoration work in Manning Park. Use inclusive community consultation and adaptive
management to improve methods, actions and outcomes.
7. Provide community outreach and support to the local community in the form of healthy
and positive engagement with nature, learning and other people.
8. Fully comply with duty of care, health and safety requirements in all actions.
9. Carry out fundraising by volunteers to enable the above, not-for-profit, aims and activities.
10. Strengthen the positive interactions between country, community and scientific knowledge.


Catherine Tauss.  Email: [email protected]

Manning Park Conservation Society Location


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)