Swanbourne Coastal Alliance

Our Mission

Retain public access to coastal areas for the greater community

Conserve flora, fauna, fungi, ecological communities and ecosystem processes, as well as the marine environment and coastal processes.


Make the coastal environment more resilient to anticipated climate change, rises in sea level and extreme storm events.
Inform the local and Perth community about the need to engage into climate mitigation actions, including protecting our coastal environment from natural events and inappropriate development.
Work with communities, local, state and federal government authorities to achieve positive planning and management outcomes for coastal environments.


Obtaining through the City of Nedlands various Coastcare grants since 2009.
Rehabilitating the coastal dunes ecosystems by planting 15,000 seedlings over three years and broadscale removal of invasive weeds.

Producing various education materials including a brochure, posters and information displays along the beach.

Regularly inviting prominent guest speakers to give talks on coastal issues.

Providing input on key coastal planning documents, such as the Perth Coastal Planning Strategy and the Swanbourne Precinct Plan.

Liaising with all levels of government to make our voice heard on coastal issues.

Area of interest

Primary boundaries:

North-south: North Street to City beach and adjacent areas

East-west: Marine Parade to West Coast Highway and adjacent areas

Extends to the marine environment

Secondary boundaries:

From Fremantle to Scarborough, and more widely the Perth coastline


Identify and examine any proposal that would affect the area of interest and assess its impact.

Act in the interest of the community stakeholders in with regards to any plans that could have a direct impact on our area of interest: represent community stakeholders and communicate back to them.

Play a strategic role in any regional planning issue related to our core objectives.

From time to time, support groups with similar interest on issues related to our core objectives.

Play an active part in a state-wide coastal coalition of community groups involved in coastal issues.

Support rehabilitation activities undertaken by the Friends of Allen Park.

Liaise with City of Nedlands on all issues affecting our area of interest and core objectives.

 Contact Details and More Information

Swanbourne Coastal Alliance Inc., c/- Convenor
[email protected]
0424 000 253

Link to our home page

Swanbourne Coastal Alliance Location


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)