Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

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  3. Urban Bushland Council WA Inc
Events from this organiser

Influencing your local MP

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth, West Australia, Australia

Caring for your patch can require more than weeding, planting seedlings and watering them through the dry seasons. Sometimes you need to advocate for your patch's protection. And it is certainly worthwhile to make sure that your local MP knows you and your patch. Come along and be part of a panel discussion where some of […]


Treasures of Warwick Bushland

Warwick Bowling Club Lloyd Drive, Warwick, WA, Australia

Come along to our next walk at Warwick Bushland. It is a Spring Walk and Talk by Senior Ecologist Mark Brundrett and WA Native Orchid Society member Tim Hodgkins. You will find them both informative and passionate about the WA Orchids in our treasured bushland. Warwick Bushland is 60 hectares of jarrah-banksia woodlands with some […]


Influencing your local government authority

Bendat Community Centre 36 Dodd Street, Wembley, WA, Australia

Your local government authority (LGA) is also the land manager for many Friends groups. This is important! They share with you the role of protecting your patch. What if you want them to manage your patch differently to the way they do it now? This session is for you! We will be talking about the […]


Working with local government

Bendat Community Centre 36 Dodd Street, Wembley, WA, Australia

Your patch sits within a local government area, and you may know that your local government authority (LGA) is the land manager. But the influence and responsibilities of  your LGA extends beyond bush care.  And sometimes you might think that their actions are incompatible with bush care of your patch. Our next Workshop focuses on […]


Walk-shop: Lower Canning Foreshore

Nurdi Park Riverton 16 Nurdi Way, Riverton, WA, Australia

Come along and visit CRREPA's patch along the Lower Canning River. Find out how CRREPA (short for Canning River Residents Environment Protection Assoc.) collaboratively manage the threats on Lower Canning Foreshore & design a living stream. We will start away from the river at a main drain that flows to our patch and has been […]


Submission Writing: Draft Native Vegetation Policy

State Library (Great Southern Room) 25 Francis Street, Perth, WA, Australia

The State Government is finalising a ‘Native Vegetation Policy’, critical for the future protection of urban bushland. “As the state’s population and economy grows, pressures on Western Australia’s native vegetation resources will continue. A whole-of-government, industry and community approach is needed to achieve positive environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes from native vegetation management. The […]


Hepburn Heights Conservation Area Walk

Hepburn Heights Conservation Area O'Leary Road, Padbury, WA, Australia

Hepburn Heights Conservation Area is an important urban bushland for both the North-South and East-West linkages along the Gnangara Water Mound from the coast to the hills and parallel to the coast. What you will see The majority of the native vegetation is in very good to excellent condition. So far surveys have identified 198 […]


UBC Annual General Meeting 2022

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth, West Australia, Australia

Come along to UBC's Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at City West Lotteries House. We will open the doors to the Conference Room at 6:00 pm and serve light refreshments. The AGM will start at 6:30 pm.  Elections will be held for all Committee positions for 2022. Nominations have now closed, with […]


Walk: See what we saved at Point Peron

Point Peron near 1 Parkin Street, Rockingham, WA, Australia

Come See What We Saved! Join James Mumme and the Friends of Point Peron as we learn about their campaigns to protect the special environments of Cape Peron and Lake Richmond. Come and see what we saved from the bulldozers!  Find out how the Friends of Point Peron has been helping to restore the bush.  Although two […]


In the Company of Cockies

City West Lotteries House 2 Delhi Street, West Perth, West Australia, Australia

In the Company of Cockies - Black Cockatoos in Urban Landscapes The Urban Bushland Council invites you to an evening all about black-cockatoos, presented by BirdLife's Merryn Pryor. Learn about the ecology of black cockatoos in urban landscapes, the importance of urban bushland and what you can do to help these threatened birds. There are […]



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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)