Bush Carers Tool Kit

Welcome to our Bush Carers Tool Kit.

One of the best ways that we can protect our urban bushland is through active “Friends of …” groups.  All it takes is passion, time and persistence. We dedicate this page to sharing the successes and lessons learned from other “Friends of …” groups. There will be many in your local community who are committed to protecting the environment and who will join a Friends of … group. In addition, you will usually find that the ‘Land Owner’ (quite often a local government authority) will welcome community interest and will support your efforts.

Conserving our urban bushland for our grandchildren requires perseverance and resilience. We must increase community awareness of environmental issues and continue our advocacy and activism. Let’s build a united voice to speak on behalf of our native flora and fauna through friends’ groups or peak bodies such as the UBC. Advocate for stronger environmental laws.

We hope you find our Bush Carers Tool Kit helpful.

How to Set Up a Friends of Group

We have compiled, in no particular order, some advice in how to establish and run a Friends group that we received from several of our Member Groups.

You can download that here.

War on Weeds

We are also very grateful to the Friends of Wireless Hill for their presentation entitled ‘War on Weeds’. You can download this as a pdf file or as a video.

Friends of Wireless Hill


PDF file




The file is also available in video format.

Understanding our environmental laws and structures

What do you do when your bushland is threatened by development? How do the laws that protect the conservation estate work?

This section is in development 

Advocacy – Writing submissions

How do you use the formal consultation processes to be a  voice for the bush?

This section is in development

If you would like any further advice please email UBC at [email protected]


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We are a peak environmental group in WA. One of our key strengths is our amazing group and individual members.

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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)