Submissions and Appeals

The Urban Bushland Council has long advocated for bushland interests to all levels of Government.

Many of the submissions we have made have had some influence on altering government actions and policies, and occasionally have been extremely effective as for when we advocated to create Perth’s Banksia woodlands as a Threatened Ecological Community.

All our submissions and appeals since 2008 can be downloaded from this page.


2024 Submissions

4 June 2024 — Questionnaire response to a WA Government Planning Commission survey on Urban Greening.  Download.

24 Apr 2024 – Appeal: City of Gosnells Town Planning Scheme No. 6. Amendments 166 and 169 EPA Report 1757, March 2024.   Download.

24 Jan 2024 – Appeal against CPS 9182-1 City of Albany Bike Trails.  Download.

24 Jan 2024 – Submission re: EPA Garden Street extension proposal – City of Gosnells.  Download.

2023 Submissions

14 Dec 2023 – Submission re: EPBC Number: 2023/09530 – Sydney Street Subdivision – MNES.  Download.

11 Dec 2023 – Submission re: Threat Abatement Plan (TAP) for predation by feral cats 2023.   Download.

11 Dec 2023 – Appeal of clearing permit 10068/1 and conditions – Perth Surf Park, Jandakot.   Download.

1 Dec 2023 – Submission re: Assessment by EPA of Subdivision of Lot 123 Mortimer Rd, Casuarina – Additional Information. Case no. CMS 17435.   Download.

28 Nov 2023 – Submission re: MRS Amendment 1344/57 – Maida Vale Urban Precinct.   Download.

21 Nov 2023 – Submission re: Proposed Fee for Objections under the Mining Act 1978.  Download.

1 Nov 2023 – Submission re: EPA’s decision to ‘not assess’ (EPA decision s 38G (1)) Perth Surf Park Prinsep Road and Knock Way Jandakot City of Cockburn.   Download.

17 Oct 2023 – Submission re: Rockingham Industry Zone Undeveloped Land Derived Proposal Application. Download.

17 Oct 2023 – Submission re:  Draft Climate Change Bill 2023.  Download.

16 Sept 2023 – Submission – Draft Planning for Public Open Space Operational Policy Consultation.  Download.

27 Aug 2023 – Submission re: Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area.  Download.

9 Aug 2023 – Submission re: TEC – Honeymyrtle shrubland on limestone ridges of the Swan Coastal Plain Bioregion.  Download.

11 July 2023 – Submission re: Clearing permit application CPS 10205/1 –  Lot 6307 on Deposited Plan 39948, Myalup (Shire of Harvey).  Download.

29 June 2023 – Submission re: Proposed MRS Amendment 1400/41 Major Amendment, Port Beach.  Download.

12 June 2023 – Submission re: AMG (WA) PTY LTD – ‘Application to amend – increase the area to be cleared to 15.83 ha – landfill facility’. Extractive industry; Waste disposal. CPS 8500/3.  Download.

7 June 2023 – Submission re H2Perth – Woodside Energy Technologies Pty Ltd proposal to construct and operate a domesticand export scale hydrogen and ammonia production facility, located approximately 40 km south of Perth in the Cities of Rockingham and Kwinana.  Download.

18 May 2023 – Online submission re: Forest Management Plan 2024-2033 – Page 1 of 3 – Environmental Protection Authority – Citizen Space ( Download.

8 May 2023 – Submission re: Draft Rottnest Island Management Plan (RIMP) 2023-28.  Download.

1 May 2023 – Submission re: submission to EPA Cocanarup Lithium Proposal – call for PER.  Download.

20 Apr 2023 – Submission re:  OECMs Consultation paper: Principles to guide their recognition in Australia.   Download.

20 Apr 2023 – Submission re:  Environmental Protection Amendment Discussion paper exposure draft 2022.  Download.

4 Apr 2023 – Submission re: EPBC No 2023/09463:  Ravensthorpe Lithium Project in Cocanarup Timber Reserve, Ravensthorpe.   Download.

26 Mar 2023 -Submission against granting of a Clearing Permit (s 51E of the EP Act) to PSP Properties Pty Ltd as trustee for Perth Surf Park Property Trust, Prinsep Road Jandakot.
For clearing of 5.26 ha in Lot 800 and Lot 9001 Prinsep Rd., and Lot 801 Knock Way, Jandakot.   Download.

21 Mar 2023 – Appeal against EPA Decision s. 38G (1) – Not Assess Perth Surf Park: Lots 800 and Lot 9001 Prinsep Road, and Lot 801 Knock Way, Jandakot
(City of Cockburn).  Download.

2 Mar 2023 – Submission re: Perth Airport North Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan.   Download.

28 Feb 2023 – Submission re Developing the Ashfield Flats Masterplan.   Download.

31 Jan 2023 – Submission re: Perth Airport Central Draft Major Development Plan.   Download.

27 Jan 2023 – Submission re: Australian Government 2023-24 Pre-Budget submissions.  Download.

20 Jan 2023 – Submission to Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage on the Roe 8 (West) and Roe 9 Planning Study.   Download.

2022 Submissions

19 Dec 2022 – Submission re: EPA Bidaminna call for PER.   Download.

18 Dec 2022 – Submission re: Draft Forest Management Plan (FMP) 2024-33.  Download.

9 Dec 2022 – Submission re: Draft Sandalwood Biodiversity Management Program. Download.

4 Dec 2022 – Reasons why the Urban Bushland Council WA inc. is calling for a PER on Perth Surf Park, Jandakot.  Download.

13 Nov 2022 – Submission re: Tonkin Highway Grade Separated Interchanges (Hale Rd & Welshpool Rd) –  Upgrade to 6 lane dual carriageway. Download.

12 Nov 2022 – Submission re: Limestone Quarry, Lot 4 Binningup Road, Binningup.  Download.

18 Oct 2022 – Submission re: Proposed clearing of trees that are a roost site for Carnaby’s Cockatoos on Beale Park Spearwood for soccer fields, clubrooms, playground.  Download.

22 Sept 2022 – Submission re: Environmental Factor Guideline – Greenhouse Gas Emissions.  Download.

28 Aug 2022 – Submission re: South32’s Proposed Worsley Mine Expansion.  Download.

16 July 2022 – Submission re: Proposal by Questdale Holdings Pty Ltd for Sand, rock, gravel and clay extraction within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. EPA Assessment no. 2197 as PER. Download.

4 July 2022 – Submission re:  Draft 1258052 Kwinana Freeway Principal Shared Path Canning – Mount Henry Bridge.  Download.

22 June 2022 – Submission re: Draft Swan Canning Development Control Area Management – Policy & Plans June 2022.  Download.

22 June 2022 – Submission re:  CPS 9749/1 Application for a purpose permit (S 51E of the EP Act). Clearing 7 ha for Mineral Exploration by Bulletin Resources Limited. Ravensthorpe Lithium Project.   Download.

22 June 2022 – Submission re: CPS 9749/1 Application for a purpose permit (S 51E of the EP Act). Clearing 7 ha for Mineral Exploration by Bulletin Resources Limited. Ravensthorpe Lithium Project.

22 June 2022 – Submission Re:  Draft Swan Canning Development Control Area Management – Policy & Plans June 2022.

17 June 2022 – Submission re: CPS 9339/1,  Karnup Road, Serpentine and Bishop Road, Mundijong. Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale.   Download.

12 June 2022 – Submission re: AMG (WA) PTY LTD – ‘Application to amend – increase the area to be cleared to 15.83 ha – landfill facility’. CPS 8500/3.   Download.

10 May 2022 – Submission re: Smiths Beach Village (south of Yallingup) – call for PER.  Download.

29 Apr 2022 – Submission re: Re: Proposed MRS Amendment to Rezone Lot 556 Curtin Avenue, Cottesloe (The McCall Centre) from Public Purposes – Special Uses reservation to the Urban zone.  Download.

22 Apr 2022 – Submission re Development Assessment Panel (DAP) Reforms Consultation.  Download.

5 Apr 2022 – Submission re PROPOSAL:   Limestone and Sand Excavation, Lots 1001 and 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach – PER.  Download.

21 Mar 2022 – Request for PER: Lot 20 and 42 Marriott Road Commercial Development, Kemerton Industrial Area.  Download.

7 Mar 2022 – Submission re: CPS 9578-1 Two Rocks Beach Access.  Download.

25 Feb 2022 – Submission re Draft Gnangara groundwater allocation plan.  Download.

24 Feb 2022 – Submission to WA Local Government Reform. Download.

12 Feb 2022 – Submission re: EPA seven day comment on new referral TUTUNUP Mineral Sands Project.  Download.

7 Feb 2022 – Submission re City of Melville: Proposed Pt Walter Mountain Bike Facility. Download.

26 Jan 202 – Submission re the Draft Bold Park Management Plan 2022-2027. Download.

7 Jan 2022 – Submission re Proposed listing of ‘Fire regimes that cause biodiversity decline’ as a Key Threatening Process (KTP) under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act. Download.


13 Dec 2022 – Submission re: ‘Kids Free-play zone/Bike dirt track’ proposed for Empire Park, City Beach. Download.

15 Nov 2021 – Submission re  Proposed Lot 20 and 42 Marriott Road, General Industrial Development, Wellesley WA, EPBC 2021/8883.  Download.

11 Nov 2021 – Appeal against the granting of a clearing permit CPS9448-1; Great Western Highway Bypass Interchanges (Roe Highway and Abernethy Road). Download.

10 Nov 2021 – Appeal against EPA Report 1714, Bunbury Outer Ring Road – Southern section assessment report. Download.

7 Sept 2021 – Submission re draft State Infrastructure Strategy for WA.  Download.

31 Aug 2021 – Submission re WA Government paper on Planning Reform.  Download.

28 July 2021 – Draft Submission – Comment on Guideline: Native Vegetation Referrals. Download.

27 June 2021 – Comment on Preliminary Documentation: EPBC 2020/8620 for Lot 1401 Fifty Rd Baldivis.  Download.

15 June 2021 – Jandakot Airport Preliminary Exposure Draft Master Plan 2020.  Download.

12 May 2021 – Submission – Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan.  Download.

9 May 2021 – Submission – CPS 9182/1 Constructing a network of trail links within the Albany Heritage Park.   Download.

24 Mar 2021 – Appeal – CPS 9009/1 Peppermint Grove Road Shire of Waroona 5 trees.  Download.

18 Mar 2021 – CPS 6808/3 City of Busselton mountain bike trails –to extend the duration of the permit. Download.

26 Jan 2021 – Submission – Proposal by Vintage Sports Car Club, and proposed Henley Brook Avenue Dual Carriageway in Bush Forever site 200: Caversham Airbase Bushland. Download.


20 Nov 2020 – Submission re: Bunbury Outer Ring Road – Southern Section: Main Roads WA’s  ‘Updated Environmental Referral Supporting Document and Additional Information.’ Download.

27 Oct 2020 – Appeal against granting of Clearing Permit 8947/1 Ocean Reef Marina coastal vegetation.   Download.

Aug 2020 – PER request for Subdivision at Goodwood Estate, Lot 9002 (formerly Lot 871) Prowse Road, Capel.   Download.

20 July 2020 – Submission re: Clearing Permit Application 8947/1 for 2.89ha – Ocean Reef Marina. Download.

10 July 2020 – Appeal re: Proposal – Subdivision of Lot 102 Farrall Road, Midvale. Download.

1 July 2020 – Submission re: West Piara Urban Precinct – MRS 1369/57 and West Piara High School Site – MRS 1370/57. Download.

2 June 2020 – Submission: Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan Airport West (South).   Download.

Apr 2020 – WAFA Submission to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (Bushfires Royal Commission) 2020.  Download.

12 Apr 2020 – Submission re:  EPBC Act Review Discussion Paper. Download.

3 Apr 2020 – Submission: Re Subdivision of Lot 102 Farrall Road, Midvale – submission on Supplementary Environmental Report (SER).   Download.

20 February 2020 – Submission: Clearing Permit 8788/1 and CPS 8787/1 Ocean Reef Marina Download.

9 February – Submission: Native Vegetation in Western Australia: Issues paper for public consultation – November 2019.  Download.

24 Jan 2020 – Modernising the Environmental Protection Act: Discussion paper October 2019. Download.


30 Nov 2019 – Submission: Mountain Bike proposal in Mt Clarence and Mt Adelaide reserves. Master Plan by City of Albany, and Stage 1 (of 3 proposed Stages). Download.

28 Nov 2019 – Re: Climate change in Western Australia – Issues Paper September 2019 by DWER.  Download.

25 Nov 2019 – Appeal against CPS 8478/1 Shire of Gingin – Orange Strings Road. Download.

14 Oct 2019 – Appeal – CPS 6409/3: Amended permit – area to be cleared increased to 2.82 hectares, an increase of 0.72 ha.  Foreshore development for a beach access node and access road in Bush Forever site 397 Eden Beach area/Beach Estate – Jindalee.  Download.

14 Oct 2019 – Submission: Perth Airport Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2020.   Download.

13 Oct 2019 – Nature Reserves Preservation Group  – Submission Perth Airport Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2020.   Download.

18 Sept 2019 – Submission re: Draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation May 2019.  Download.

18 Sept 2019 – Appeal re: CPS 8448/1 North Walpole Road Reserve Shire of Manjimup Proposal to clear no more than 50 trees and 1 ha (reduced from 10 ha) Road widening by 1 metre on both sides of the road for 4.6 kms ‘for road safety and upgrade’.  Download.

16 Sept 2019 – Submission re: Proposal for Limestone and Sand Quarry and associated infrastructure, Lot 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach WA. Download.

13 Sept 2019 – Appeal against the granting of a clearing permit – CPS 8116/1, Shire of Capel. Download.

10 Sept 2019 – Appeal re: CPS 8151/1: – 0.42ha Wandering-Narrogin Road reserve Cuballing near the intersection with Turners Road – 50 trees and 0.42 ha.  Download.

30 Aug 2019 – Submission on EPA draft Greenhouse Gas Assessment Guidelines.  Download.

30 Aug 2019 – Appeal re: CPS 8150/1 Stratherne Road reserve, PIN 11542346, Shire of Cuballing 20 trees. Download.

13 Aug 2019 – Submission to EPBC re City of Albany: Albany Heritage Park Link Trail. Download.

5 Aug 2019 – Appeal against Lot 8 Diagram 53380 Nowergup for Permit type ‘Amended purpose’ for clearing 15.54 hectares for extractive industry – limestone and sand – Oakford Land Co Pty Ltd, City of Wanneroo. Clearing permit granted. Download.

26 July 2019 – Submission re Proposal: Limestone and Sand Quarry, Lot 1002 Preston Beach Road. Download.

8 July 2019 – Submission – YANCHEP RAIL EXTENSION PART 2: EGLINTON TO YANCHEP:  Public Environmental Review. Download.

21 June 2019 – Submission – CPS 818/14 MRD WA:  RENEWAL OF STATEWIDE PURPOSE CLEARING PERMIT FOR 12 MONTHS to expire 30th June 2020. Download.

19 June 2019 – Appeal against the granting of Clearing Permit CPS 7982/1 under S 101A(4) of the EPAct 1986, constructing playing fields and associated infrastructure within the Butler North District.  Download.

31 May 2019 – Submission – Section 57 Amendment (Minor) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1333/57, Bush Forever Omnibus 1 (North). Download.

31 May 2019 – Submission – Section 57 Amendment (Minor) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1333/57, Bush Forever Omnibus 1 (South). Download.

31 May 2019 – Submission – Section 57 Amendment (Minor) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1333/57, Bush Forever Omnibus 1 (Central). Download.


11 Mar 2019 – Proposal for Place of Worship and Community Purpose at Lot 213 (28) Lewis Road, Wattle Grove (DA19/0001 and DAP/19/01562). Download.

18 Jan 2019 – Submission – Butler to Eglington Rail Extension Stage 1. Download.


30 Dec 2018 – Submission – Re: Clearing Permit Application 8271/1 for 0.116 ha in Road Reserve between 171 West Coast Highway (Lot 91) and Crown Allotment Lot 21 on 221021 Reserve no. 46248. Download.

30 Dec 2018 – Submission – Re: Proposal to close the 3.3593 ha portion of the Esplanade road reserve and its subsequent amalgamation into Class A Reserve 46248 at the South Trigg Beach Reserve.   Download.

26 Nov 2018 – UBC submission to EPA for PER level of assessment re Ravenswood irrigated pasture proposal for EPA assessment.  Download.

12 Nov 2018 – Submission – Re: Discussion Paper on cost recovery for DWER, August 2018.  Download.

31 Oct 2018 – Clearing Permit 7310/2 – Public Transport Authority of Western Australia Lot 2008 on Deposited Plan 189838, Kenwick. Amendment to extend the duration of the permit – Constructing a rail freight facility. (Download).

16 Sept 2018 – Submission – Re: Town of Cambridge Local Planning Strategy: Draft for Preliminary Community Consultation.  Download.

20 Aug 2018 – Submission – Re: Byford Local Development Strategy (Draft District Structure Plan) Discussion Paper – Hames Sharley. May 2018.  Download.

15 Aug 2018 – Submission – Re: Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan New Runway Project (Perth Airport).   Download.

25 July 2018 – Panel Review of SAPPR (Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel Region).  Download.

19 July 2018 – Submission – Re: Green Paper: Modernising WA’s Planning System. Download.

17 July 2018 – Submission on the proposed Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area Precinct 3A Structure Plan – Amendment No. 1 – Lot 414 Grove Road, Kenwick. Download.

2 July 2018 – Decision: Dept of Environment and Energy. Re: Residential development of Lot 102 Farrall Road, Stratton, WA (EPBC 2017/8066). Download.

2 July 2018 – To Dept Environment, Energy. Re: Compliance with EPBC 2009/4796   Jandakot Airport Holdings Pty Ltd. Download.

15 May 2018 – To Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions.  Review of Jandakot Airport Master Plan. Download.

26 Feb 2018 – Re Strategic Assessment Perth and Peel Region.  Download.

13 Feb 2018 – Submission – CPS 2017/7872 Residential Development 19 (Lot 6) Taronga Place,  Eglinton, WA. Download.

28 Jan 2018 – To Department of Environment; Energy. Non-compliance with Recovery Plan for Carnaby’s Cockatoo: removal of critical roost and foraging habitat at Gnangara Pine Plantation, WA. Download.

18 Jan 2018 – Submission: Hamilton Hill MRS Amendment 1330-57. Download.

18 Jan 2018 – Submission: Proposed Development of Lesmurdie House by St Brigids College to build a Day Care Centre.   Download.

4 Jan 2018 – Submission re Tompkins Park Wave Park Project. Download.


24 Nov 2017 – Submission: Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) Woodlands and Forests of the Swan Coastal Plain Ecological Community:  Draft Conservation and Listing Advice, October 2017. Download here.

2 Nov 2017 – Submission – CPS 7781/1 Permit holder: Western Australian Land Authority T/A Landcorp. Locality and Local Government Authority: Lot 3240 on Deposited Plan 34515, SHENTON PARK City of Nedlands.  Download here.

Undated – Public Submission against Application for Clearing Permit CPS 77811 re Lemnos St Bushland.  Download here.

3 July 2017 – Submission re:APPLICATION FOR A CLEARING PERMIT UNDER THE ASSESSMENT BILATERAL AGREEMENT MADE UNDER SECTION 45 OF THE EPBC ACT 1999 (CTH). Re Hammond Park High School construction, City of Cockburn. Download here.

8 June 2017 – APPEAL ON EPA REPORT 1597 FOR ASSESSMENT 2111  Perth Groundwater Replenishment Scheme Stage 2 Proponent: Water Corporation. Download here.

1 May 2017 – Submission re: Perth and Peel Green Growth Plan (GGP): Comments on: Draft Action Plan E: Harvesting of pines and post harvesting land use. Download here.

9 Apr 2017 – Submission re: Perth Airport Master Plan 2014 Preliminary Draft Minor Variation. Download here.

4 Mar 2017 – Submission: Regarding an Application for a permit to clear Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain ecological community for the development of the Living Stream Project, Perth Airport, Western Australia (E2017-0128). Download here.

21 Feb 2017 – Submission: Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1270/41 – Ocean Reef Marina Redevelopment. Download here.

19 Feb 2017 – Submission – Garden Street road extension Huntingdale: EPBC Act reference 2016/7735Controlled Action: Preliminary Documentation level of assessment. Download here.


24 Jan 2017 – Submission – Major Land Transaction, Lease of Portion of Tompkins Park; Proposed Wavepark. Download here.


15 Dec2016 – Submission – Perth Airport Permit Direct Factory Outlet.  Download.

12 Dec 2016 – Submission on Structure Plan:  Lots 55 and 56 Cottonwood Crescent Dianella. Download.

18 Sept 2016 – EPA Referral Lot 1002 Preston Bch Rd. Download.

21 July 2016 – CPS 6800/1: Appeal against the granting of a clearing permit for Commissioner of Main Roads WA, York-Merredin Road widening and upgrade.  Download.

11 May 2016 –  Submission – Draft Perth and Peel Green Growth Plan for 3.5 million People.  Download.

24 Apr 2016 – Statement in support of the proposed listing of the Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain as a Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) at the level of ‘endangered’. Download.

14 Apr 2016 – Submission on Shenton Park Draft Improvement Plan. Download.


29 Dec 2015 – Submission – MRS Amendments 1300/57; 1301/57; 1302/57 1300/57 – Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Areas. Download.

23 Nov 2015 – Submission – CPS 818: Application for clearing permit by Commissioner of Main Roads WA, Purpose Permit York-Merredin Road widening and upgrade.  Download.

3 Nov 2015 – Submission – Residential Development on Lot 800, Youle-Dean Road, Brabham Western Australia – EPBC 2015/7458.  Download.

29 Oct 2015 – Submission – Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1280/41: Mangles Bay Marina. Download.

20 Sept 2015 – Submission – Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan Forrestfield-Airport Link (within the Perth Airport Estate).  Download.

10 Sept 2015 – Submission – MRS Amendment 1293/57 (minor amendment): Shenton Park Hospital Redevelopment. Download.

28 Aug 2015 –  Submission – Bushmead Residential development Hazelmere, Western Australia – EPBC Act Ref: 2015/7414.  Download.

25 Juy 2015 – Submission: Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million.  Download.

27 May 2015 – Submission re Water Corporation – Ellenbrook Reliable Water Storage Project Proposal.  Download.

21 May 2015 – Submission to the inquiry into the administration and transparency of the Register of Environmental Organisations and its effectiveness in supporting communities to take practical action to improve the environment.  Download.

27 Apr 2015 – Submission re: Residential Estate Development, Mandogalup Urban Development, Mandogalup, WA EPBC Act  Ref:   2014/7308.  Download.

2 Mar 2015 – To Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority – Comments on the Scarborough Draft Master Plan January 2015.  Download.


5 Feb 2015 – SWAN REGION STRATEGY FOR NRM – Consultation Draft.  Download.

29 Jan 2015 – Proposed housing development of Lot 56 Cottonwood Crescent Dianella.  Download.

10 Jan 2015 – Appeal against the Granting of a Clearing Permit – ABN Developments Ltd, Purpose Permit, Lot 1808 on Deposited Plan 108469, Lot 1876 on Deposited Plan 131371, Lot 2294 on Deposited Plan 124824 and Lot 5889 on Deposited Plan 208236, Bullsbrook, City of Swan, agriculture, 73.05 ha, permit duration 22 January 2015 to 22 January 2020, (CPS 5981/1).  Download.


30 Nov 2014 – Submission re PROPOSED MRS AMENDMENT  1271/41  LOT 59 WILKINS ROAD KALAMUNDA – proposal to transfer 10.73 ha from ‘parks’ to urban for the purposes of establishing an aged care facility.  Download.

12 Nov 2014 – Third Party Referral of RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOT 6 TALBOT ROAD STRATTON. Download.

20 Sept 2014 – Submission – Proposed residential development of Lot 6 Talbot Road, Stratton (EPBC 2013/6983).  Download.

23 Aug 2014 – Submission – Vegetation clearing for agriculture – Bullsbrook – EPBC 2014/7120.  Download.

28 July 2014 -Submission – Concept paper for the Review of Emergency Services Acts: Fire Brigades Act 1942, Bush Fires Act 1954, Fire and Emergency Services Act 1998.  Download.

12 July 2014 – Submission – Regarding Application for Clearing Permit – Commissioner of Main Roads, Western Australia, Purpose Permit, various road reserves and properties, City of Belmont and Shire of Kalamunda, road construction for the Gateway WA Project, 114.8 ha, (CPS 5242/3) – amendment to increase clearing size by 11.8 ha.  Download.

10 July 2014 – Comment – EPA report 1518 Keane Rd Strategic Link, Forrestdale.    Download.

2 July 2014 – Submission – Application for Clearing Permit on Deposited Plan 115765, Bullsbrook, City of Swan.  Download.

8 June 2014 – Objection – Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 – Ref. RF 1 (Gateway WA application for a licence under s5C to take 629,000 kL from the Perth – Superficial Swan aquifer for dewatering and dust suppression at the intersection of Roe and Tonkin Hwy, Forrestfield.  Download.

28 May 2014 – Comments on the EPBC Amendment (Bilateral Agreement Implementation) Bill 2014.  Download.

28 May 2014 – Submission:  Swan Coastal Plain South Draft Management Plan 2014.  Download.

14 May 2014 – Submission  Re Public Notice: Residential Estate Development Lot 682 Rowley Road, Mandogalup, WA.  Download.

3 Apr 2014 – Standing Committee on Environment and Communications References Committee – Inquiry into environmental offsets.  Download.

27 March 2014 – Submission to EPA on level of assessment for Water Corporation proposal for tanks, p/l etc in Bush Forever 399, adjacent BF 300  Ellenbrook.  Download.

27 Jan 2014 – PER: Keane Road Strategic Link, Forrestdale – Proponent: City of Armadale.  Download.


24 Nov 2013 – EPBC Act referral 2013/7050: Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive Kiara WA: housing, open space and primary school proposal by WA Housing Authority.  Download.

12 Nov 2013 – City of Swan Amendment 99 – Bushfire Amendment.  Download.

7 Oct 2013 – Re Shire of Kalamunda WA Hartfield Park Sporting field Extension.25 Sept 2013 – To Appeals Convenor Appeal against EPA decision re Roe 8 Highway Extension.  Download.


25 Sept 2013 – ROE 8 HIGHWAY EXTENSION  – GROUNDS OF APPEAL AGAINST EPA Report 1489 .  Download.

25 Sept 2013 – Attachment to Appeal re Roe 8 Highway Extn – Botanical Report.  Download.

23 Aug 2013 – In support of the WA Wilflower Soc submission re: Section 57 Amendment (Minor) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1188/57 Wellard Urban Precinct East.  Download.

5 July 2013 – Objection to proposal to demolish wetlands as part of the Cockburn Central West Structure Plan.  Download.

26 June 2013 – To Metro Region Scheme Amendment – Lot 911 Midland Rd, Hazelmere – ‘Bushmead’.  Download.

19 June 2013 – Perth Airport – Submission to proposals for clearing for extensions – Southern Aviation Precinct and Taxiway Charlie extension.  Download.

14 June 2013 – To Main Roads – input to proposal for Malaga Drive Interchange.  Download.

13 May 2013 – Appeal against EPA Report re Proposals for Mangles Bay Marina – Tourist Precinct. Download.

26 April 2013. Submission – City of Armadale re its proposal to extend Anstey Keane Road through the Bush Forever Site 342.  Download.

14 April 2013 – Appeal against the granting of a Clearing Permit for the Gateway Project, City of Belmont and Shire of Kalamunda, 103 hectares (CPS 5242/1).  Download.

8 April 2013 – Submission to City of Stirling re its proposal for a Trigg Beach boardwalk.  Download.

16 Jan 2013. Submission – Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1236/57.   Download.

9 Jan 2013. Submission – Land disposition: Proposed land lease Portion of 41 (Lot 5483) Park Lane, Alexander Heights.  Download.


13 Dec 2012. Submission – Inquiry into the effectiveness of threatened species and ecological communities’ protection in Australia.   Download.

6 Oct 2012. Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia, Purpose Permit, various road reserves and properties, City of Belmont, City of Canning and the Shire of Kalamunda, road construction for the Gateway WA Project, 112 ha, (CPS 5242/1).  Download.

2 Oct 2012. Appeal against the granting of a clearing permit. Town of Cambridge, Wembley sports complex development, 0.5 ha and 56 native trees. CPS 5155/1.  Download.

22 Aug 2012. Request to EPA for formal assessment of proposed housing development of Stratton Bushland. Talbot Rd. Stratton.  Download.

6 Aug 2012. Submission in response to proposals for Wembley Sports Complex Development.   Download.

17 June 2012.  Re – Application for Clearing Permit (CPS 5081/1) Wattle Grove, Shire of Kalamunda.  Download.

May 2012. Nomination of Perth’s Banksia woodlands as a Threatened Ecological Community under the Federal Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiverstity Conservation Act.  Download.

9 May 2012. To DEC re Fesa application for a clearing permit (CPS 4982/1) re Dundas Rd BF site.  Download.

20 Apr 2012. To Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra re National Wildlife Corridors Plan.   Download.

20 Apr 2012. Mangles Bay Marina Based Tourist Precinct Public Environmental Review Prepared for Cedar Woods Properties Ltd by Strategen, Feb 2012.   Download.

9 Apr 2012. To World Heritage Committee re nominating the ‘Banksia Dominated Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain IBRA Region’ as a ‘World Heritage Site’.    Download.

23 Mar 2012. Re: Gateway WA Perth Airport and Freight Access Project , Public Environmental Review, under EPBC Act 1999.   Download.

30 Jan 2012. To Min. Burke re: Imminent release of PER for Gateway Vision project – Tonkin Highway and other roads, Perth Airport.   Download.

28 Jan 2012. To DEC. Re Application for Clearing permit – Belmont Racecourse.  Download.


19 Oct 2011 – Submission to Federal Government’s draft Environmental Offsets Strategy.  Download.

4 Oct 2017 – Strategic Assessment of the Perth and Peel Regions – Draft Terms of Reference.  Download.

9 Sept 2011 – PER Roe Highway Extension.  Download.

2 Sept 2011 – To Dept of Planning re Tamala Conservation Park Establishment Plan.  Download.

8 July 2011 – Ex Wildflower Society.  Eglinton Estates Clearing.  Download.

30 June 2011 – To Landcorp re Clearing Perry Lakes Roosting Sites.   Download.

15 May 2011 – Nowgerup Quarry Clearing Permit.  Download.

12 May 2011 – To Members of Parl. re Bush Forever.  Download.

12 May 2011 – MRS Amendment Southern River.  Download.

11 Apr 2011 – To Fed Env Minister re Perth Airport.  Download.

8 Mar 2011 – To EPA re Ecological Linkages.  Download.

14 Feb – 2011 – QE11 Clearing Permit Appn.   Download.


19 May 2010 – High Wycombe Urban Precinct.  Download.

29 Mar 2010 – Perth Industrial Land Strategy.  Download.

14 Mar 2010 – Hazelmere City of Swan. Download.

1 Mar 2010 – Lake Clifton Rural Subdivision.  Download.

9 Feb 2010 – Welshpool City of Canning Transport Depot.   Download.

28 Jan 2010 – Dianella Venice Ct.  Download.


8 Dec 2009 – Objection to Rezoning Proposal Ranford Rd Canningvale.  Download.

3 Dec 2009 – Inquiry into Recreation Activities within Public Drinking Water Areas.  Download.

30 Nov 2009 – Appeal against Level of Assessment Buffalo Rd, Parkfield.  Download.

12 Oct 2009 – Appeal against Level of assessment – Nowgerup Quarry. Download.

5 Oct 2009 – Re Application for Clearing at Maida Vale.  Download.

2 Oct 2009 – Jandakot Airport Clearing Proposal. Download.

8 Sept 2009 – Re Appeal against Non-assesment of Burning at Baldivis Swamp.  Download.

30 Aug 2009 – Gnangara Sustainability Strategy.  Download.

20 Aug 2009 – Extension of Roe Highway North Lake, Bibra Lake, and Beeliar RP.  Download.

15 Aug 2009 – Removal of Pine Trees re Eradication of the European House Borer.  Download.

12 July 2009 – Application for Clearing Permit Welshpool.  Download.

3 June 2009 – Re EPA Call for Comment Yalgorup Area.  Download.

16 May 2009 – Re Aust Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-20.  Download.

5 Apr 2009 – Jandakot Airport Clearing Proposal.  Download.

3 Apr 2009 – Jandakot Airport Clearing Proposal.  Download.

29 Mar 2009 – Appeal against Non-assessment of Burning at Baldivis Swamp.  Download.

6 Mar 2009 – Clearing Regulations Review Panel Submission.  Download.


20 Nov 2008 – Application for Clearing Jandakot Airport.  Download.

30 Oct 2008 – Application for Clearing Cullacabardee.  Download.

17 May 2008 – Re Clearing at Breera, Shire of Gingin. Download.

11 Apr 2008 – Re Clearing for Fiona Stanley Hospital.  Download.

25 Mar 2008 – Appeal against Land Clearing Nowgerup. Download.


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Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

2 Delhi Street, West Perth, WA, 6005

(08) 9420 7207 (please leave a message)