Iluka Foreshore Reserve
Iluka Foreshore Reserve is a narrow strip of coastal bushland located south of Burns Beach to the Ocean Reef marina, 25 km northwest of Perth.
The scenery is spectacular with rugged limestone cliffs, consolidated limestone dunes and high quality coastal vegetation. Looking out to sea is the Marmion Marine Park, an area with very high conservation value. The Reserve is a Bush Forever site.
Start your visit to the Iluka Foreshore Reserve at either the car park at the end of Burns Beach Road or at Iluka Foreshore Park as per the Google map, this page. The Reserve has a very easy walkway over its entire length which is suitable for wheelchairs.
Landform and Vegetation
The Joondalup coast consists of dune limestone, in patches overlain by low sand dune ridges known as the Quindalup dune system. The plants in this area are usually found in a sequence, from beach foredune landward.
The vegetation provides a wonderful habitat for fairywrens with three species (White-winged Fairy Wren, Splendid Fairy Wren and Purple-backed Fairy Wren) regularly seen.
Near the beach, at the back of the beach face, are the salt-tolerant grasses such as Spinifex. On the dunes further back from the beach are the ground cover plants, other grasses and low shrubs such as Olearia and Scaevola.
Further inland are Spyridium, and on the limestone at Ocean Reef and Iluka are three species of Melaleuca: Melaleuca systena, Melaleuca cardiophylla, and Melaleuca huegelii. Still further back, in the more moist swales and depressions are found small trees; predominently banksias and eucalypts.
Spring is the main flowering time with the white splashes of Chenile Honeymyrtle the most prolific.
Bush Forever Site Map. Download. Bush Forever Description. Download. Bush Forever Species List. Download.
Source of Information.
The Joondalup Community Coast Care Forum has a range of information on its website.