Coastal Moort

Coastal Moort.

Common name

Coastal Moort

Scientific Name

Eucalyptus utilis  

Type of plant

Tree And Shrub Weeds

About this weed

This spreading mallee was originally only found in the southern coastal areas mainly east of Albany. It thrives in exposed coastal positions especially sand dunes, estuaries and swamps. Because it is an extremely hardy and salt tolerant small tree, in more recent times it has been widely grown both as a coastal garden plant and in coastal revegetation sites along the Swan Coastal Plain.


The Moort is a dense, spreading tree or mallee between 1.5 and 15 m high. It produces cream or white flowers in late spring and summer. Its bark decorticates in ribbons and is smooth pale brown beneath.

Impact on Bushland

Unknown but is often seen in coastal heathlands close to the the coast.


Sadly, this native of the south coast has now become firmly established in coastal bushland in coastal areas around Perth and other coastal dunes further north. It is found in sand dunes, granite hills, near estuaries and in swamps. It prefers grey sand or clay soils.

Priority for removal

Unknown: but may disrupt ecological processes or result in loss of biodiversity if it becomes established.

Management (hand)

Not available.

Management (herbicide)

Not available.

Flowering month/s

January, September, October, November, December

Flower colour/s

White, Cream

Information source

Additional information

Coastal Moort images


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