Curled Dock

Curled Dock.

Common name

Curled Dock

Scientific Name

Rumex crispus

Type of plant


About this weed

This erect perennial herb grows to about 1.5 metres high and is often found in wetlands and creeks. These photos were taken at Herdsman Lake Regional Park. The plants originated in Europe and Asia and are easily identifiable when flowering as they have tall flower spikes with dense green flowers that produce heart shaped brown fruit.


Curled Dock is a tall, perennial herb. It produces green flowers and primarily reproduces by seed. The seed is then dispersed by animals, soil and machinery. The seedbank persists for 20+ years.

Impact on Bushland

Not available.


Mostly found in disturbed wetlands, creeks and occasionally paddocks from Geraldton to Esperanced in the South-West Province, but occasionally found in the Eremaean Province. It prefers sandy & clayey soils.

Priority for removal


Management (hand)

Not available.

Management (herbicide)

Spot spray with 1% Glyphosate in early bud stage, cultivation of older plants will spread root fragments. Read the manufacturers’ labels and material safety data sheets before using herbicides.

Flowering month/s

June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Flower colour/s


Information source

Additional information

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. and Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia, Second Edition, The Weeds Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park, Western Australia.

Curled Dock images


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