Dolichos Pea

Dolichos Pea.

Common name

Dolichos Pea

Scientific Name

Dipogon lignosus

Type of plant

Legumes And Peas (Family Fabaceae)

About this weed

This rampant, twining vine is another garden escapee from South Africa and probably  introduced because it produces masses of white, pink or purple pea shaped flowers in the spring. Because of its rampant nature it can smother all ground natives and shrubs thus preventing any regeneration of local flora.


Dolichus Pea is one of the most invasive weeds we have. It is a twining shrub or climber and produces masses of pink, purple or white flowers from September to January. It has many ways to reproduce including by seed, birds, water, soil and garden refuse. The vegetative regeneration strategy is by coppices and resprouting. The seedbank persists for up to 5 years. Fire can kill mature plants and stimulate seed germination.

Impact on Bushland

If left will spread over bushland and impact on ecological processes and plant communities. Infestations smother all ground-flora, topple shrubs and trees and prevent any regeneration occurring. Soil disturbance generates mass seed germination.


Found in isolated areas in the northern Kimberley and South-West Provinces usually in coastal areas, creek banks, roadsides, gardens and bare areas. It likes wetter areas with gravelly soil, sand or loam.

Priority for removal

High: is a major threat to conservation values anywhere it has taken hold.

Management (hand)

Hand pull seedlings and small plants ensuring removal of all root material; sever vines of larger plants and leave to dry in canopy, then dig out woody roots. Soil disturbance generates mass seed germination.

Management (herbicide)

Scrape and paint using 100% Glyphosate or foliar spray in highly degraded sites with 1.5% Glyphosate; in more sensitive sites, cut stems off at chest height, lay lower sections on ground and apply 1.5% Glyphosate over them. Read the manufacturers’ labels and material safety data sheets before using herbicides. Optimum treat is during September and October but herbicide can be applied occasionally any any month. Soil disturbance generates mass seed germination.

Flowering month/s

January, September, October, November, December

Flower colour/s

Pink, Purple, White

Information source

Additional information

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. and Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia, Second Edition, The Weeds Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park, Western Australia.

Dolichos Pea images


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