Garden Nasturtium

Common name
Garden Nasturtium
Scientific Name
Tropaeolum majus
Type of plant
About this weed
Nasturtiums are annuals with fleshy stems and circular flowers easily identified by their bright trumpet shaped flowers in colours of red, orange and yellow produced in spring. They were originally from Ecuador and Peru.
These garden escapees are sprawling & climbing annuals or short-lived perennials. Originally introduced as a hardy garden plant with bright yellow, orange and red flowers held aloft on tall stalks, they have now escaped to urban bushland.
Impact on Bushland
Not available.
Found in wastelands and creeklines from Perth to Albany usually near urban settlements.
Priority for removal
Low: causes minimal disruption to ecological processes or loss of biodiversity.
Management (hand)
Not available.
Management (herbicide)
Not available.
Flowering month/s
July, August, September, October, November
Flower colour/s
Red, Yellow, Orange
Information source
Additional information
Hussey, Keighery, Cousens, Dodd and Lloyd (1997) Western Weeds: A guide to the weeds of Western Australia.