River Ribbons

River Ribbons.

Common name

River Ribbons

Scientific Name

Valisneria australis  

Type of plant


About this weed

River Ribbons is native to the norther part of the State and across other countries. They have long strap-like leaves and this plant was photographed at Herdsmans Lake.


The plants are submerged, with long, limp and flat leaves with a green mid-ridge. They are a fresh water species that can tolerate salt. This weed has deep rooted leaves that rise above the clustered plant. Leaves can reach 2 m long. It was cultivated for the aquarium trade, where it is a sold as a background plant. It reproduces from stolons.

Impact on Bushland

High: a major threat to the conservation values of rivers and lakes.


This plant is found in both the Swan and Canning Rivers and other waterways around Perth and a few isolated areas of the South-West.

Priority for removal

High: major threat to the conservation values of waterways in the South-West Province.

Management (hand)

Not available.

Management (herbicide)

Not available.

Flower colour/s

No data

Information source


Additional information



River Ribbons images


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