Smooth Fleabane or Fleabane

Common name
Smooth Fleabane or Fleabane
Scientific Name
Erigeron bonariensis
Type of plant
Daisies & Thistles (Family Asteraceae)
About this weed
The Conyza genus has recently been renamed Erigeron (November 2020). There are a number of species of Erigeron that look quite similar in Western Australia. Some are more easily identified than others. This Erigeron is the tallest of them and can grow to about 2.5 m in height. Some Erigeron are hairy and some are less hairy. This Erigeron is not noticeably hairy. Consult a specialist text to confirm identification. All Erigeron were originally from South America except E. canadensis which comes from North America.
Fleabanes are usually easily seen in bushland as they are erect annuals growing to 2.5 m high, with white or cream flowers from January to March. Its stems and leaves are not noticeably hairy and it has an open branching inflorescence.
Impact on Bushland
In bushland it usually does not compete well under high plant density or cover and requires disturbance to establish and persist.
Found on sandy and loamy soils on road verges and in waste places of the South-West Province between Perth and Albany.
Priority for removal
Low: causes minimal disruption to ecological processes or loss of biodiversity.
Management (hand)
Not available.
Management (herbicide)
Not available.
Flowering month/s
January, February, March
Flower colour/s
White, Cream
Information source
Additional information
Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Dodd, J., Lloyd, S.G. and Cousens, R.D. (2007) Western weeds. A guide to the weeds of Western Australia, Second Edition, The Weeds Society of Western Australia, Victoria Park, Western Australia.